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Real Estate Training

Because your learners are the foundation of all that you do.

Purpose-Built for the Challenges YOU face

Training future and current realtors has transformed dramatically over the last 5 years. Licensing requirements are constantly evolving, learner demands for content quality and mobile access have increased exponentially, and the work involved in staying close with your hundreds, or thousands, of learners can be overwhelming.

DigitalChalk is built to help.

Institutional Member of

Automate Your Systems and Manage Your Users

Easily manage large user sets and cue your agents up for their next required training and re-licensing. Keep your agents from missing a deadline or certification while minimizing the tasks on your plate with automatic notifications and registrations.

All-Inclusive, Best-in-Class Support

Our dedicated support team is here to give you and your agents all the answers and help you may need. Migrate content from a current platform, set up cutting-edge integrations, answer questions and concerns anywhere, anytime with DigitalChalk Support. 

Advanced Continuing Ed Capabilities

As laws and rules evolve, DigitalChalk is there to keep your courses compliant.  With features like timers that can’t be fast forwarded, checkpoint questions, test question randomization, serial numbers and grades on certificates, and much more, DigitalChalk is built for the demands of Continuing Education.

Accessible Learning for All

DigitalChalk takes accessibility very seriously and strives to create an interface that makes learning easy for all. We have worked closely with organizations focused on improving the online experience of blind and visually impaired learners to ensure our solution goes above and beyond ADA standards to provide an optimal experience for all learners.



pre-and-post licensure Real Estate courses delivered to learners in 2021.


1.5 Million

test questions responded by Real Estate learners in 2021.


14 Years

of experience providing Real Estate trainers with a platform built for their needs.

Why We Are Better


Best in Class Video Functionality

DigitalChalk’s native video features make it simple for Real Estate Trainers to create compelling learning.  Attention checks, Netflix capabilities, the ability to work with SCORM, AICC and ASPI content etc. all help make the learner experience engaging.

Simple, Intuitive Interface Viewable on Any Device

Real Estate learners want to access their online learning when they want, where they want and the UI has to be easy to follow, and more.  DigitalChalk has responsive design as a core principle, so all of your on-demand content will be mobile-accessible, viewable at 11:00 at night on a phone or 3:00 in the morning on a tablet, or at 10:00 in the morning on a laptop… whenever and wherever your students need.  

Robust, Flexible Reporting

The DigitalChalk platform was built for, and has continued to serve, the Continuing Education marketplace for 14 years.  As a result, our suite of schedulable reporting keeps Real Estate trainers and their learners fully informed, putting the most important information at your fingertips as often as you need it. 


Best in Class Test Functionality

With 12 different types of test questions, including image and video-based questions, open text response, matrix response and more, DigitalChalk removes the need for supplemental testing software and provides trainers with the best tools in the industry. In addition, with Remote Proctoring capabilities as a supplemental service option, trainers can meet the end-to-end requirements of their regulators. 

Advanced Automation Tools

Getting clients through training and coming back for more are priorities 1 and 1a in Real Estate Training.  DigitalChalk’s expansive automation tool chest allows trainers to create custom notifications, course and catalog rules that help manage and expand their relationship with learners. Sending trigger and drip campaigns to past users, prompting them to sign up for their annual/bi-annual CEUs can increase renewal rates by 20% and more with no extra effort! 

A Proven Solution

Award-winning DigitalChalk continues to prove itself the top LMS on the market, working to make Continuing Education and Certification accessible and engaging. With over 13 million test questions answered and 82 years of video content delivered, DigitalChalk is continuing its legacy of success.

Learn more by requesting a demo today!