The learning curve blog

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How can I create eLearning content faster and cheaper?

by | Mar 27, 2023 | DigitalChalk

The speed of content creation is at an all-time high in these times of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. So, it is not surprising that training leaders are feeling the pressure to create eLearning content faster and cheaper to match learners’ appetites. Whether you are creating video-based or non-video eLearning courses, you need efficient tools and processes to develop them. 

Here are six strategies you can use to develop eLearning faster and cheaper without losing out on quality.

  1. Use templates: There are many templates available for eLearning content, such as course outlines, slides, and activities. Using templates can save time and reduce costs by providing a starting point for creating eLearning content.
  2. Use existing content: Look for existing content that can be repurposed or adapted for your eLearning course. This could include videos, articles, or other resources that are relevant to your topic.
  3. Collaborate with subject matter experts: Work with subject matter experts to develop the eLearning content. They can provide valuable insights and help to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the material.
  4. Use free or low-cost tools: There are many free or low-cost tools available for creating eLearning content, such as video editing software, screen recording tools, and presentation software.
  5. Outsource some tasks: Consider outsourcing certain tasks, such as graphic design or programming, to save time and reduce costs.
  6. Keep it simple: Avoid trying to include too many bells and whistles in your eLearning course. Focus on the essential content and use simple, straightforward design elements.

How can DigitalChalk help?

DigitalChalk offers a full-featured LMS that is top-rated by analysts and loved by our customers. Our technology powers employee and customer learning, and enables training companies and associations to drive profitable growth.

Since our founding in 2007, we have worked with over one thousand organizations that offer continuing education and certification programs required by professionals and tradespeople. Working in the trenches with our customers, we understand their business and what they need from their LMS partner. Our system has been enhanced and refined to meet and exceed their needs. This includes simple course authoring, turnkey ecommerce to generate revenue immediately, an outstanding learner experience, and powerful reporting required by certifying bodies.

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