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How To: Create an Interactive Presentation with Raptivity

by | Oct 17, 2013 | DigitalChalk

Raptivity is a flexible, interactive course-building tool with 180+ customizable eLearning templates. In this tutorial, we will show you how to select and edit an interactive template of your choice.
DigitalChalk: How to Create an Interactive Presentation with Raptivity
1. Open Raptivity and select “New Interactivity”.

DigitalChalk: How to Create an Interactive Presentation with Raptivity
2. Select an eLearning template of your choice. For this example, we chose “Multiple Selections” within the Standard Pack 1.

DigitalChalk: How to Create an Interactive Presentation with Raptivity
3. Once you have opened your template, you have two options to edit your content: Detailed Customization or Wizard-based Customization. Both options will allow you to edit the template fully. Let’s select “Detailed Customization”.

DigitalChalk: How to Create an Interactive Presentation with Raptivity
4. Now, you can fully customize your template within the Detailed Customization view. On the lower right side, you can access each area of the presentation to edit, including the title, images, and questions. Just select the area you want to edit and the fields appear within the “Set Parameter Values” section.

Once you have edited your presentation, select “OK”.

DigitalChalk: How to Create an Interactive Presentation with Raptivity
5. Select “Preview” to preview your presentation and save!

Learn more about Raptivity and its features with our short overview!

Stay tuned for another short tutorial on how Raptivity can integrate with PowerPoint in the coming weeks.

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