The learning curve blog

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Setting Up Easy LMS Automations with Zapier

by | Feb 8, 2022 | DigitalChalk

When you look at today’s online software landscape, the need to integrate your library of independent business platforms with your learning management system of choice is more important than ever. Not only that, but the integrations need to be seamless, simple, and automated. Your LMS must be compatible. It just makes sense, right?

But here’s a problem continuing education organizations face: there isn’t an LMS that can integrate with every business tool you use. Or so they think. While it’s unlikely you could find one LMS that integrates with everything you and your clients need, there is a solution.

Introducing Zapier

Zapier is an innovative automation tool that allows you to seamlessly integrate your existing LMS with over 4,000 third-party products and applications that you use every day. The list includes but is not limited to:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Office 365
  • Dropbox
  • Active Directory
  • LinkedIn
  • And so many more

While our LMS, DigitalChalk, has its own API and can technically integrate with any application, that’s not always the easiest or simplest option. This is because some integrations often require special development.

But with Zapier, everything is suddenly at your fingertips.

Case Study 1 — DigitalChalk to Google Sheets

Imagine needing to keep track of your students and their activity in an external spreadsheet. That’s easier said than done in a standard environment. On top of that, there’s also the need to automate the process. In this scenario, simply set up a trigger in Zapier to update a Google Sheet with important student data every time a trigger of your choice fires in DigitalChalk. It sounds too simple to be true, but it really is true.

Case Study 2 — DigitalChalk to Salesforce (or any CRM in Zapier’s library)

Whenever a student registers for, purchases, or completes a course, simply push that data through Zapier to your CRM so that you can keep better track of course sales and usage.

All we’re trying to say here is that integrations are a reality of the SaaS world. It’s unlikely that a single solution will integrate with all  the exact tools you use, but Zapier is the best solution because it is one integration that enables thousands of other integrations. What could be better than that?

The bottom line is that you deserve an LMS that can meet the unique demands of your CE organization. If you haven’t experienced it yet, we cordially invite you to request a consultation today!

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