The learning curve blog

Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs

6: Education Courses Online – How to Make Them Available to Your Students

by | Oct 31, 2012 | Marketing

This is the sixth of 10 Steps to Build and Sell Your Courses Online.

Now that you’ve designed and built them, the next step is to put your education courses online, where they’ll become available to your students, all across the world! A well designed LMS will allow you to create content with “availability and visibility” rules. This basically means that it determines when a student can view a specific course lesson, making your course more effective.

Students will not “see” lessons ahead of time or before they need to see a given topic. Making course lessons visible only after the completion of other lessons or tests, will prevent students from taking content out of order. Rules based content availability and visibility can improve course design and flexibility.

Create different offerings for different audiences

Your LMS platform should allow you to reuse courses, while also allowing for changes in price, availability, and audience. This means that your courses can be available to different audiences, at different times, with different prices. This flexibility helps your course administrators be more productive and efficient.

DigitalChalk: 6: Education Courses Online - How to Make Them Available to Your Students

Create pricing with discounts and coupon strategies

People love to take advantage of a “good deal”! Having a shopping cart to sell courses is more useful when a rules-based discount and coupon strategy is available. You have the ability to sell more courses when you can motivate students to save money at the time of purchase. Coupons can also be targeted to student groups based on customizable user data, tags, or other information. Be sure to watch the video above.

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