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How to Structure a Webinar

by | Jul 2, 2019 | Marketing

A webinar must present a story for the audience, and everyone loves a tale of triumph. Using yourself as an example, or as the main character, will make the content seem relatable and gives the audience an empathetic feeling. When the audience sees that you have accomplished your goals, they will feel it is possible for them as well. Avoid a boring slideshow that is only filled with facts! Create a story by sharing where you once were and what your goals were at the time, tell them what happened to allow you to succeed, and end with where you are in the present day. Give this information in three parts: the opening, the body, and the ending (where you deliver your pitch). 

The opening:

As the webinar opens and audience members join, welcome people and talk to them about where they are from. Make small talk and be hospitable. When it is time to begin, reiterate to your audience what the topic of the webinar is and who it will benefit. Tell them the agenda of the webinar and why they should stay until the end — maybe you are offering a special promotion or special piece of advice they won’t hear otherwise. Let them know if any other speakers will be joining and what their credentials are if so.

The body:

Introduce yourself and give an overview (briefly) of your story. Deliver your content with digestible steps that the audience can use. Present each topic and discussion with tons of visuals — this keeps guests interested. Let any other speakers delve into their area of expertise or interview them for what is needed. Share any studies or statistics that prove results. Stick to your outline and don’t go over time-wise. Many people in the audience are working individuals with a busy life.

The ending:

Don’t be discouraged if people have left; anyone genuinely interested will stay and listen. As you end the webinar, just as you do with writing, summarize the points you went over. Take any questions from the audience so that they feel connected to you and tell them they are welcome to reach out to you later if more questions come to mind. Remember the rule that only 20% of your webinar should contain a pitch or promotion. This should come at the very end. 

As with any form of content, an outline is crucial to your delivery. Remember to make an outline of your presentation for personal use and keep these notes within reach so you can grab them if you need to. After all the work you put into your presentation, the last thing you want to do is present it poorly. Even if it may seem silly, there is nothing wrong with practicing your webinar by yourself; even to friends, family, or colleagues, who could provide an outside perspective. Being confident and organized is half the battle. If you stick to this simple outline structure and remember the points within each section, you can create flowing content that intrigues your audience.

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