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Why Use Remarketing Strategies

by | Jun 18, 2019 | Marketing

remarking online shopping purchase
Hands holding credit card and using laptop. Online shopping

Are you getting website visitors who aren’t purchasing courses or opting into your email list? All is not lost. There’s a way to stay on their radar and bring them back to you – this strategy is called remarketing.

Remarketing is a way to connect with your website visitors who may not have taken any “action” on your site. Once someone visits your website and then leaves, you can get their attention through ads on other sites they visit. To do this, you can create paid advertisements within Google and select the target audience you are trying to reach, as well as similar categories of sites. Facebook also allows remarketing.

While using these campaigns, your audience will begin to see your company’s ads show up on other sites they browse or in their newsfeeds. Remarketing will show your ads on any relevant websites that are a part of the Google Ads Network. It’s a way of keeping track of your website traffic and ensuring that you stay visible (even if the consumer didn’t choose you right off the bat).

A small budget is fine to start out with, but ad placement is highly competitive. Money isn’t everything, but it will help when bidding for the top Google result or showing to an expanded audience on Facebook. It’s well worth the investment and you will see ROI when done right.

Some key benefits of remarketing include:

  • Increase ROI and revenue
  • Decrease cost per action (CPA)
  • Increase click-through and conversion rates
  • Increase lead generation
  • Increase engagement rates

As you can see, there are benefits to remarketing (and these are just to name a few) and it can absolutely help you recapture those website visitors who’ve expressed interest by visiting your site but have yet to take action.

The way it works is pretty simple: it starts by placing cookies on the devices of your website visitors, then their cookie ID is added to your remarketing list(s). This ID is tracked and targeted through ads on various sites to encourage them to revisit your website and take action.

You definitely want to make remarketing part of your overall marketing strategy. Even if your budget doesn’t allow it right away, you should make it a goal – you want a strategy in place that captures your visitors’ attention when surfing the web and to bring them back to you.

Give it a shot and watch your traffic levels increase!

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