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Categories 101

by | Jul 11, 2016 | Tips & Tricks

Need a way to organize your courses? You can use categories to easily put them into designated sections for easy searching if you have a large number of courses for students to scroll through.

How do I create a category?

You will want to begin by going to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab.

    1. Select ‘Categories’ from the left side menu.
    1. Click the ‘Add’ button.
    1. Enter in the name of the category, a description (optional), and you can also choose a color to go with the category. To pick the color you can enter a hex code or click on the color field to bring up the color picker. DigitalChalk: Categories 101
    1. Add a thumbnail image by clicking on the ‘Thumbnail’ tab. The image size that will work best is 640 x 360 px. DigitalChalk: Categories 101
  1. Hit the ‘Save’ button and your category will have been created.

How do I put a course into a category?

To put a course into a category you will want to go to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab and select ‘Offerings’ from the left side menu. Click on the title of the offering and you will see a tab called ‘Categories’. Check the box to the left of each category you would like to put the course in and hit the ‘Save’ button.dc-categories-101-3

What if I only want the categories to show up on just the student dashboard or just the catalog?

Go to the ‘Manage Courses’ tab and select ‘Categories’ on the left side menu and look above the categories and worklist tabs. You will see ‘Edit Category Options’ – click it. This will give you the option to have the categories visible on both the ‘Catalog’ tab and the student’s dashboard, or just the ‘Catalog’ tab.DigitalChalk: Categories 101

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