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Export Your User Data from the Instructor Gradebook

by | May 2, 2016 | Tips & Tricks

Need a quick and easy way to export all of your student information just from one course? You can easily complete this under the ‘Instructor Gradebook’ tab.

Pulling this information is easy – what you will need to do is:

    1. Go to the ‘Instructor Gradebook’ tab and select the course title you would like to gather the information from.
    1. Select ‘Export’ in the left-hand corner.
    1. Check/Uncheck all of the boxes of information that you would like to be pulled in the report (by default all of the boxes will be checked).
  1. Click the ‘Save’ button and the report will automatically be run and saved as a CSV file.DigitalChalk: Export User Data from the Instructor Gradebook

To get a report for all of the students you will want to select the appropriate filter, specifically the ‘All Students’ option. This will let you see students who have completed the course and students who are currently in the process of taking it. The other filter options you can choose from are:

    • Registered/In Progress Students
    • Completed Students
    • Assignments Awaiting Grades
    • =All Tests and Assignments
  • Manually Graded Elements

How do I change the filter?

Above the list of students you will see a search bar and to the left of the search bar you will see a ‘Filter Presets’ drop down option. Click on the ‘Filter Presets’ and you will be able to select the appropriate filter from there.DigitalChalk: Export User Data from the Instructor Gradebook

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