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How to Know if Your Data is Safe in an LMS

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Business Training

Many business owners and organizations understand the importance of having a corporate training system. It creates a hub for all corporate eLearning and helps human resource teams stay organized and up-to-date on organizational needs.

However, if you already have a learning management system, did you choose one with important security features? Here’s a list of the top security features and why it’s important to keep risk at bay with an LMS system you can trust.

Why Secure My LMS?

Whether you’re using your learning management system for corporate training, higher education courses, or as a small business, it’s important to keep your information secure. As an organization, the information that you enter can be a target for data theft.

Not only does your LMS keep information about your business, but it also keeps personal information about your employees. When an employee signs up for the LMS they provide information to authenticate and verify their identity for initial sign up and future logins. This personal information is an important part of your employee’s personal data and should be protected as such.

By investing in an LMS that incorporates and continually improves security, you’re keeping your organization and your employee data safe. Read on to see why DigitalChalk is an industry leader while protecting your LMS data.

Securing Your Data from the Ground Up: Incorporating an SSL

One way that DigitalChalk works to make sure your data is always protected is to protect and encrypt information with our online presence.

Our online portal only communicates over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that protects your login and learning like a blanket. By encrypting information that’s coming into our webpage, we’re putting distance between your credentials and anyone who could potentially be a threat to your online data.

If you’re curious to see if your LMS has an SSL on their website and portal, check to find the lock in your URL bar. The small green lock signifies the HTTP web protocol is in order and your online training portal is in good shape.

Creating Layers of Protection with LMS User Permissions

Another feature that may not cross your mind when choosing your LMS is ensuring that it has diverse user permissions and controls. By choosing a provider that will allow a variety of user permissions, you’re reducing the risk that your data is compromised because you’re protecting who has access.

At DigitalChalk, we understand that deciding on user permissions for your employees can be a daunting task. Our security team has created different types of user accounts and permissions to allow your organization to be organized easily.

Help Secure Your Employee Data with Single Sign-On and Password Authentication

Different types of organizations have unique security procedures that they use to protect their organization’s safety and their employees’ personal data. One of the trending solutions for data compliance and safety is by using a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution for your organization.

Benefits of an SSO Feature?

Many higher education organizations and corporate businesses are utilizing single sign-on to help their employees with ease of use and keeping a centralized database.

Single Sign-On allows your IT team to keep all your employees on the same page with their sign on practices. The feature allows your organization to create one login for multiple applications. This allows your users to have access to one login while removing the practice of continuous reauthentication. It creates a level playing field for compliance and data safety throughout your company.

If your organization is interested in top security features for your portal, DigitalChalk offers two single sign-on solutions: DCSSP Single Sign-On or SAML Single Sign-On. Both types of SSO are high quality, best in class solutions for your organization’s security.

Custom Password Requirements

If you’re not sure that your organization has the infrastructure to utilize an SSO solution, DigitalChalk also provides custom password requirements that allow your organization to maintain the same password requirements across systems. Because password requirements are such an important part of data security, DigitalChalk has features that allow organizations to create their own password requirements with just a few security minimums.

A Personal Touch: Technical Support from DigitalChalk

Unlike other LMS in the industry, DigitalChalk has the experience and support to help you with any of your security needs or questions. Our team is available via phone, email or chat for any technical questions you may have.

Our Knowledge Base is also an excellent tool if you’re curious about security procedures or potential solutions for your organization. Our developer documentation can also help your IT team understand the solutions available for your in-house digital security systems.

Contact DigitalChalk for Top Tier LMS Security

 DigitalChalk has a variety of security features that can keep your data safe. No matter what type of institution or organization you are part of, our eLearning system is a great solution.

Or perhaps you’re looking to switch from your current LMS.  Switching to the DigitalChalk LMS learning management system is easy. Dedicated data migration assistance is available for migrating and integrating course content and learner data.

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