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How to Improve Content for Local SEO

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Marketing

Content Writing for Local SEO

Content is a necessary aspect of every website – it builds your ranking on Google, but also can engage customers and increase site traffic. While some businesses do not utilize quality practices for SEO, others may not know how to effectively use content to increase their ranking. There are a number of ways your company can climb search results, but content is one of the most effective methods.

Think Before You Type

Many people do not know the details of what they are searching before they type it. For example, it is more likely someone would type “pet store dog toys in Asheville,” than “Bob’s Pet Store on Haywood Road.” Therefore, you’d want to keep many titles on a broader scale – using the terms someone would use to search and then focusing on detailed keywords within your content. An easy and effective way to see what people are searching on Google is to simply begin typing in the search bar. The most searched phrases will drop down, completing your statement in the search bar.

Efficient Title Tags and Headers

As stated above, your title tag should usually contain the phrase or term that most people are searching for, in relation to your topic. The meta description, which follows the title tag should contain a very brief synopsis of what will be on the other side of the link on Google. That being said, the description should also entice searchers to click. Your first header should narrow down your title tag and include a location when possible. Subheadings should follow with more topical titles or subcategories, breaking down the previous header. This helps separate content and allow Google to scan for relevance.

Keywords in Content

Keywords are essential to searches and content. Google Ads helps identify the best keywords for your industry and company, as they relate to your service or topic of writing. Try to include a location and keyword within your content on each main page, without overly saturating the text. One surprising way to better your content with location-specific keywords is to write about your competitors or local companies that relate to your business.

For example, let’s say you sell cakes and you write two blogs for your site. The first blog is a personal take on your favorite sweet shops for cookies (these places also sell cake in the area, and therefore are competitors). The second blog suggests three of your favorite stores to buy room decorations for parties. By writing the first blog, you will compete by cross referencing their store because you both sell the same product in the same area. The second blog helps you gain traffic and sales if someone is searching for birthday decorations, but also needs a cake and sees your blog post.  

Remember: never duplicate content or use too many paid keywords. Take your time in developing a smart, productive posts for local SEO. Web searchers will be more likely to enjoy reading these, therefore increasing your clicks and traffic. Google will identify these as well and better rank you.

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