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How to Market Your Webinar Online

by | Jun 28, 2019 | Marketing

If you have created a webinar but are unsure how to begin registration, we’re here to help. Here are a few practical tips to get the word out and grow your attendance quickly:

  1. Share the event on social media, via email campaign, purchase ads, etc. Share a few bullet points so your audience understands what’s in it for them. Showcase the most valuable aspects and share on as many platforms as you can.  Remember start early and send out webinar follow up emails along the way.
  2. Create a video about your upcoming event. Be sure to keep it short and sweet. Include a call to action such as, “Be sure to sign up below!”
  3. Create an optimized registration page. Your registration/landing page plays a significant role in whether or not your prospects convert into attendees. Put some time and effort into creating a page that rocks! Here are a few sites to consider when selecting your landing page services.
Webinar host

It’s a best practice to have at least 2 pages for your event. This way, you can do an A/B split test to see which page is more effective. Options for promoting:

  • Blog about it. If you have a blog, be sure to blog about your event and share the post with your audience.
  • Use a catchy webinar title. People are more likely to remember your event and date if your title sticks out; conversely, a boring title will fall by the wayside.
  • Cross promote with friends. Look for peers who can share/promote your event on their platform. Be sure to offer something back to them, even if it’s to return the favor of sharing an event or post.
  • Signature line promotions work. Be sure to add a link to register for your event in your email signature.
  • Offer a giveaway for attendees only. You could offer a free course or demo, but a giveaway for your attendees will ensure higher signups. Everyone loves free stuff.
  • Share a short preview of what to expect from your webinar. Offer a short, teaser-like clip that will help get your audience’s attention and make them want more.
  • Create a unique hashtag for your event. Include this hashtag in email campaigns, social media platforms, and so on.
  • Change your social media profile pics and cover pages to promote your upcoming event. Show off your branding and spread the word without spending a dime. A picture speaks a thousand words (even if those photos contain text)!
  • Team up with other industry influencers. Look for bloggers, journalists, and any outside help that you can get to help spread the word. Never underestimate the power of your professional network.
  • Look for event listing sites. Be sure to list your event on a few event listing sites. People go to these sites with the intentions of searching for specific events. Be sure to use the right keywords so that your event is on their radar.
  • Ask attendees to share on their personal and business pages. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth. Chances are, your registrants will know others who might be interested in attending your event. Don’t be afraid to ask for the share!

This list provides you with a good starting place for marketing your webinar. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, so give yourself time to become familiar with the process and watch your event registration grow!

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