The Learning Curve Blog

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The Value of Social Media in eLearning

by | Mar 13, 2014 | Marketing

DigitalChalk: Value of Social Media in eLearningOver the last 10 years, the world of social media has grown substantially and influenced nearly every aspect of life. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+ have become our go-to tools to catch up on the news, gossip, and the lives of our friends and family. For some people social media is a way to maximize communication, for others it is a complete waste of time with no value.

How can you maximize social media in eLearning to find the latest trends and tips?

Instead of searching through individual websites to find news and information, you have it all in one place – hundreds of sources from established news publications, industry subject matter experts and peers at your fingertips. Sites like Twitter have news updated every second; you can discover new articles as soon as they’re posted. In addition to viewing the news, you have the opportunity to connect and communicate directly with the people who are delivering it.

Instructors, educational institutions and companies have started to rely on the use of social media in learning to share practices, promote information and educational material, share opinions, and more. Social Media can increase employee and student participation in learning. Learners are more likely to stay engaged and complete the program if they are able to reach out to peers involved.

The most important concepts for those who are venturing into social learning are the three elements required for success: a technology platform, a vibrant community, and great content. The platform acts as a place to capture the organization’s interactions, it’s easy to find and use in the course everyday work. However, to make it valuable, it must be filled with enough interesting content for viewers to return and engage. It is much easier for readers to interact if they see it is filled with great content. eLearning professionals can achieve this by building off their current learning content.

Stay tuned for a few simple tips for using social media in eLearning!

Source via Learning Solutions Magazine and eLearning Industry.

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