The learning curve blog

Helpful advice for online course creators, businesses, and entrepreneurs

3 Ways to Make Online Training More Effective (and Engaging!)

by | May 20, 2020 | Tips & Tricks

If we could give one tip to new online course creators it would be this: to engage online learners you need more than great content. Even the most thoughtful content can fail to engage online learners if it’s not presented effectively. You need an LMS that facilitates the creation of dynamic and engaging online course content. 

At DigitalChalk, we are proud to offer an LMS with unique features that not only enhance the eLearning experience but are also easy for course creators to put into action. Our top-ranked course creation features are one of the reasons Software Reviews awarded the DigitalChalk LMS a gold medal!

Don’t just present, engage! Here are three ways DigitalChalk can make your online training more effective and impactful:

  1. Utilize Chalkboard Course Elements

Video: DigitalChalk has offered streaming HD video since the days before YouTube. In addition, our unique Chalkboard course element offers the ability to present your video side by side with notes, slides, web content, and more. You can do so much more than just stream video, so take advantage of it!

Slides: The most familiar of all eLearning tools, slides are a go-to tool in the course content toolkit. But, with the DigitalChalk Chalkboard you have so much more to offer your learners than a simple slideshow. Think outside the box with slides with audio voice-over, slides side-by-side with video, and even slides with live instructor-led sessions. 

Checkpoints: If you’re only presenting the information, it can be tough to understand if your learners are understanding the material. One way to ensure they are engaged and comprehending your course is to use the Chalkboard to create periodic checkpoints during your slides or video presentation. 

Checkpoints are pop-up questions that reinforce the content and test for understanding. If they get it right, you can give them “Kudos”. If they get it wrong, you can redirect the learner back to the information they missed.

2. NEW! Spark Discussions 

We recently announced Discussions, the newest addition to our platform. Designed to drive engagement within your course, Discussions allow learners to easily interact and collaborate with each other. 

You as the course creator can moderate your discussions, or you can select moderators of your choice. If a conversation within the discussion goes south participants can flag posts for moderator review and removal.

Want to get the gist of the conversations happening inside your learner’s discussions, without reading entire threads? You can view overall AI-gathered sentiment data for your discussions to help you understand course popularity and performance, and promote learner participation.

3. Gamify!

Transforming your eLearning content into a game is sure to increase student engagement. The DigitalChalk platform makes it easy to gamify your content and reward your learners.

  • Create custom badges
  • Launch leaderboard
  • Award certificates

Tip: Badges should be tailored to business goals. If you are interested in gamification, but not sure how to leverage it effectively, our team is happy to help! Schedule an online consultation to discuss.

Already using DigitalChalk to create your own training? Comment and let us know what features and course elements you’ve used to make your online training more effective!

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