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Quick Tip: Student Gradebook

by | Mar 14, 2016 | Tips & Tricks

We’ve previously gone over how to go over how a student is doing in an individual course through the instructor gradebook. Today we’ll go over how to check on a specific student’s progress for all courses they have been registered for. This is great when you know you need to only check out information for one student rather than a whole list of students.

To check an individual student’s gradebook you will want to:

    1. Go to the ‘Administration’ tab.
    1. Select ‘Users’ from the left side menu.
    1. Use the search box to find the student.
    1. Click the icon that is a box with a checkmark in the middle to the left of the student’s name to bring up the gradebook.DigitalChalk: Quick Tip - Student Gradebook
  1. After clicking on the icon above you will see all of the courses listed that the student has ever registered for. Click on the course title to bring up all elements in the course and you can review their progress, and how long they’ve spent on each elementDigitalChalk: Quick Tip - Student Gradebook

Need to make adjustments to the student’s course progress?

If you need to make adjustments to a student’s course check out this past post to learn how.

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