The learning curve blog

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When should I consider upgrading to a better LMS?

by | Jan 4, 2024 | DigitalChalk, Tips & Tricks

There are several factors you may want to consider when deciding whether to upgrade to a better Learning Management System (LMS):

  1. Your current LMS is no longer meeting your needs: If your current LMS is not meeting your needs, such as by having limited features or not being able to support your desired course delivery method, consider upgrading to a better LMS.
  2. Your organization is growing: As your organization grows, you may need an LMS with more advanced features and scalability to support your increased number of learners and courses.
  3. You are experiencing technical issues: If you are experiencing frequent technical issues with your current LMS, consider upgrading to a more reliable system.
  4. You want to improve the learner experience: If you want to improve the learner experience by offering more interactive and engaging courses, you may need an LMS with advanced features and capabilities.
  5. Your current LMS is no longer supported: If the vendor no longer supports it, you will need to upgrade to a new system to continue using it.

Overall, you should consider upgrading to a better LMS if your current system is no longer meeting your needs, if your organization is growing, if you are experiencing technical issues, if you want to improve the learner experience, or if your current LMS is no longer supported.

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